General Selling Conditions
Indipendently by the emission of written confirmations, all the requests are undertaken at the general selling conditions here reported, exept a written confirmed contrary deal. Additional forniture conditions, eventually listed on customer's documents, are accepted only when compatible with our organization.
The delivery terms are indicative. "Ready goods" means "exept already sold". In each way they could be expressed (kg, mt, etc.), the confirmed ammounts are indicative and referred to available commercial formats.
"Return" means "exept our deposit" and the movement of the goods is always on customer charge, also when it's expected to be realized by us.
The packaging, exept for a different confirmed deal, is given at production price and realized in conformity with the kind of material and the delivery conditions.
Our enterprise is certificated and assume a Quality Management System in conformity with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard. This system let us to issue Conformity Certificates, which assure that the fournished material is subject to treatments planned by the Quality Assurance Service and results conform with it. Certifications have to be requested at the time of the order and involve a forfeit pay back for each one. Transcription of each chemical analisys and physical-mechanical characteristics bulletin involves an additional expence. Non-distructive tests could be arranged and, if the result will be positive, the goods will be considered sold and accepted. Payment terms start from the readyness date.
Complains are accepted in eight days from the receving date. Once occurred this term and in case of manufacturing, the material is considered approved and accepted. The acceptance of a complain involve exlusively the right of commodity change or the repayment for the arranged ammount.
By expressed deal, the warrantee on defects is limited to the substitution. Even referring to art. 1494 2°c. C.C., the compensation of any further damage is excluded, exept in case of malice or severe fault.
Nullification or partial and total suspension of the order is accepted only if the material will be considered commerciable by our unquestionable judgement. It always involve an expence charge that could be defined time by time.
In case of retarded or missed payment, in addiction to the insolvency expence, penalty interests will increase by five points on the ABI Prime Rate. Payment terms start from the readyness date.
Limitations on credit transferibility are not allowded.
The competence for any legal effect is up to the "Foro di Milano" (Milano court of law).